Recipe: Matcha Covered Strawberries

Strawberry - Recipe: Matcha Covered StrawberriesThere are a million and one ways to enjoy matcha but this is definitely one of our favourites! It's super quick and easy and makes the perfect afternoon snack or dessert.

Here's what you'll need:

1 Matcha Green Tea Rokit Pod
200g White Chocolate
1 Punnet of Strawberries 

1. Using your Nespresso machine on the small cup setting make your matcha.

2. Melt your chocolate in the microwave or in a bowl over a small pan of hot water. 

3. When the chocolate is fully melted pour the matcha in and stir. 

4. Dip your strawberries in the mix and place on tray lined with baking parchment.

5. Leave the coated strawberries in the fridge to set and then enjoy!

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